Panattoni Park Bratislava North is located in the village of Plavecký Štvrtok, near Malaciek, and extends over 330,000 square meters of land. It is another logistics park in the developer's portfolio, which, thanks to the technologies and standards used, successfully confirms the company's commitment to the sustainability of industrial construction and environmental protection. The BREEAM building environmental assessment methodology for new construction is a voluntary standard that defines a framework for delivering high-performance and green buildings that are healthier, more responsible and have a positive environmental and social impact.

Panattoni continues to build sustainable buildings that create business space for international and domestic companies that care about the environment. Today, Panattoni is proud to announce an Excellent level certificate with an excellent rating of 76.1%. It means that the area, halls and their operation are environmentally friendly and provide above-standard working conditions for employees.

There is also an insect hotel

In order to achieve such an excellent rating, a wide range of measures was implemented in the park. The planting of biologically diverse greenery, the installation of an insect hotel, a reinforced roof structure for the installation of photovoltaics and the support of public transport are just some examples of the company's efforts. All the selected building materials were also selected with regard to environmental requirements and sustainable construction, many also have an environmental product declaration (EPD). The halls were constructed in a location with a lower ecological value. Despite this, emphasis was placed on the use of native species with low maintenance and low water consumption for landscape greenery.

"The management of water within the Panattoni Park Bratislava North project is exceptional and can be an example. Not only has the total daily consumption of drinking water decreased by 51.41%, but in addition, within the area, we are able to capture almost an incredible 100% of the amount of rainfall, which is then absorbed directly into the soil. This measure prevented rainwater from being discharged outside, into the sewer, and the small water cycle remains practically unbroken," said Erik Ivaničko, director of Panattoni Slovensko.

Optimal working environment

Panattoni Park Bratislava North also offers unique opportunities for its users, including an outdoor gym, dedicated spaces for relaxation, or the possibility of sharing cars with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions. Efficient LED lighting is used and the well-being of the tenants has been optimized through a comfort study.

As a good neighbor, Panattoni is committed to actively contributing to the protection of the environment and the support of the local community. Therefore, the developer did not hesitate and donated 30,000 euros to a local kindergarten in a crisis situation. The amount that went from Panattoni to the budget of the municipality of Plavecký Štvrtok, in the amount of almost 450,000 euros, as a fee for the development of the municipality, is also significant. Another 61,000 euros was paid by the company in the form of real estate tax. The project also brought new jobs and represents an important entity not only for the benefit of the municipality, but also for strengthening social stability in a wider context.

Panattoni Park Bratislava North is not only a modern logistics center, but also an example of how the real estate market can contribute to sustainable development and a quality working environment.