Sustained revenue growth, a substantial increase in operating results and continued investment in logistics and digital projects - these are the main characteristics of the Raja Group for 2020. Even at a time of severe pandemic crisis that has shaken the world market and its performance.

The Raja Group, which operates in 18 European countries with 25 subsidiaries, achieved a record turnover of 1.02 billion euros in 2020. This is in line with the group's jump target of 39.5%. The operating result was 89 million euros, which is 58% more than in the previous year.

Slovakia is copying a similar development. In the local market, Raja recorded a year-on-year increase in turnover in 2020 of 38.4%. The number of customers also increased, compared to 2019 by 29.9%. In the neighboring Czech Republic, turnover increased by 12.1% year-on-year, the number of customers by less than 8%.

Demand for supplies and packaging stocks, which account for 50% of the group's sales, has been boosted by the explosion of online sales across Europe. The crisis has also massively increased companies' demand for protective equipment and hygiene products.

"First of all, I would like to thank our teams across Europe for their unwavering commitment and motivation. In the face of this crisis, our companies continued to work and our 14 distribution centers were in operation without interruption. We responded and adapted to the demands of our customers and continued to supply them with the products necessary for their activities. We are especially proud that in such a difficult year we managed to strengthen the bond with our 1 million customers and we gained the trust of another 250,000 new customers in Europe," said Danièle Kapel-Marcovici, CEO of the Raja Group.

Solidarity stronger than ever for that

2020 was a particularly difficult year for the most vulnerable groups across companies. Last but not least, for women who have been victims of violence. The Covid-19 crisis has also been a major test for associations that work in the social field on a daily basis to help people. The Raja Foundation has supported 55 charitable projects in 15 countries with a total budget of over 1 million euros. In Slovakia, it was the non-profit organization Fenestra, in the amount of 2,000 euros.

Raja recently gave a helping hand to the Svetielko nadade Foundation - a civic association supporting children with cancer, in the form of envelopes for collecting bracelets, which they distributed as part of a charity run held on April 17, 2021 - in a virtual form.

Ambitious goals for 2021

In 2021, the Raja Group focuses on an 8 to 10% increase in turnover. "To achieve this challenging goal, we will need to strengthen our position as a multi-specialist in Europe, strengthen our organization and continue to develop our customer base in all markets. The gradual economic recovery in Europe, the continued growth of online sales and the growing demand for environmentally friendly products are factors that will help us achieve our goals. The stable financial position of the group will allow us to continue our investment program throughout Europe," adds Danièle Kapel-Marcovici.