At its meeting on Tuesday (December 12), the government approved the status of a significant investment for the "Horná Nitra Industrial Park" investment project. By preparing a new industrial park in Horná Streda in the Nové Mesto nad Váhom district, the Ministry of Economy (MH) of the Slovak Republic is responding to the lower competitiveness of Slovakia in obtaining strategic investments with higher added value, the department said on Wednesday.

"It is our utmost effort to prepare Slovakia for the arrival of new investors. I believe that the park will create an ideal environment for new investments, as well as innovations, and will contribute to strengthening our competitiveness," said Economy Minister Denisa Saková (Voice-SD).

The new industrial park in Horná Streda is to have an area of almost 75 hectares, and EUR 28.19 million has been allocated for its construction. "The goal of preparing the territory of the new industrial park is to create conditions for the acquisition of investments in the field of sophisticated production, services and research and development activities. The implementation of the industrial park will consist primarily of land purchases, exploration activities and the construction of related transport and technical infrastructure," explained the Ministry of Finance.

The first phase of the investment in the development and production of battery modules for the cars of the Porsche Group is being implemented north of the new industrial park. The second phase of construction, which Porsche is planning and evaluating, could begin next year. In case of its implementation, the current territory in Horná Streda no longer allows the company to expand further. According to the Ministry of Economy, Porsche Smart Battery Shop therefore welcomed the establishment of a new strategic territory.

The Porsche Group is also ready to negotiate with the Ministry of Economy on the possibility of implementing other projects in the new industrial park in Horná Nitra, so that it can continue to expand development and production in Považí within two to three years. According to MH, potential investments in the next phases could range in the order of hundreds of millions of euros.